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Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company

Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company

Torsa Dot In report: Do you wish to visit Nubra Valley to spot the double-humped Bacterian camel? Would you like to drive through the world’s second highest motorable pass Khardungla? You may choose Sham Valley trek in lower Ladakh which will take you across traditional villages and make you reach to the Alchi Monastery. You may visit Thiksey and Hemis monasteries. You can opt for long trek from Lamayuru to Zingchen. You can participate in winter snow leopard treks. The Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company will arrange all the things for you.

The Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company, founded in 2009, has been proving itself as a responsible tourism organization. The compaqny is owned and operated by women only. Treks are conducted by women guides. Porters are women. The company caters to women travellers and men accompanying them.

The company aims to provide women with a source of income and offer them a platform to express their talent and skill. It has been promoting homestays in villages of Ladakh which are run by women. Trekkers get the opportunity to stay in true Ladakhi homes where authentic Ladakhi meals are served and guests get chance to experience the local culture. The company arranges homestaying for non-trekker travellers also.

The Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company is the result of pathbreaking initiatives of Thinlas Chorol, a native Ladakhi woman from the village of Takmachik in the Sham region of Ladakh. She is the first professionally trained female trekking guide in Ladakh. She started working as a guide in 2003. In 2007 Thinlas completed a mountaineering course at the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. The following year she completed the spring semester course at National Outdoor Leadership School-India, a reputed America-based training institute, gaining a diploma in wilderness activities and leadership skills. In 2014, Thinlas completed an advanced course in mountaineering at the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling.

Thoughts and initiatives of Thinlas Chorol were not self-centered. She has combined the idea of women empowerment with tourism. Women of the Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company under the leadership of Thinlas promote eco-tourism and are engeged in protecting nature of the cold desert region of India.



For more information, call +91 9469158137
Office Address: Shop 22, Hemis Complex, Upper Tukcha Road, Zangsti, Leh, Ladakh, India

Header Photo courtesy: Issuu

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